C Test Function Reference

These functions are included for manufacturing test and not targeted for the end user.

MCC 118 test functions

Function Description
mcc118_test_clock() Test the CLK pin.
mcc118_test_trigger() Test the TRIG pin.
int mcc118_test_clock(uint8_t address, uint8_t mode, uint8_t * value)

Test the CLK pin.

This function will return RESULT_BUSY if called while a scan is running.

Result code, RESULT_SUCCESS if successful.
  • address: The board address (0 - 7). Board must already be opened.
  • mode: The CLK pin mode
    • 0 = input
    • 1 = output low
    • 2 = output high
    • 3 = output 1 kHz square wave
  • value: Receives the value at the CLK pin after setting the mode.

int mcc118_test_trigger(uint8_t address, uint8_t * state)

Test the TRIG pin by returning the current state.

Result code, RESULT_SUCCESS if successful.
  • address: The board address (0 - 7). Board must already be opened.
  • state: Receives the TRIG pin state (0 or 1.)