Step 5. Look at the Directory Structure of the DT7837

Once you have logged into the DT7837 module, you can use standard Linux commands to change directories, start programs, work with files, compile programs, and so on.

To get started with the DT7837, enter the following Linux commands to look at the directory structure of the Linux file system for the DT7837:

Note: When typing commands into the terminal emulator window, it is often beneficial to copy and paste commands from this help file and other sources to avoid typing errors. Refer to the copy and paste tips for more information.

  1. At the command line prompt, enter the following command to list the files in the root directory:

# cd /
# ls -l

The main directories in the root of the filesystem (/) are described in the following table:

                Main Directories in the Root of the Filesystem

Directory Name



Program and commands for users


Files needed at boot time


Files that represent devices on your system


Configuration files


User home directories


System libraries and drivers


Location of removable media, such as USB flash drives and microSD cards


Files that represent information about the system


System maintenance programs


System files


Temporary files


Programs available for all users. The DT7837 example programs are located under this directory in:


System log files


  1. Change to the /usr/local/bin/dt78xx-examples directory, where the DT7837 example programs are located, by entering the following command:

# cd /usr/local/bin/dt78xx-examples

  1. List the contents of this directory by entering the command:

# ls -l

The DT7837 example programs are displayed:


You can now wire signals to your module and verify the operation of the DT7837 module using these examples.

Refer to your Linux documentation for more information on Linux concepts, commands, and usage. Refer to the DT7837 File I/O Programming Manual for DT7837-specific Linux commands used by the DT7837 examples to access the functionality of the DT7837 module.