Perform the following procedure to install the Universal Library and InstaCal:
Note: The MCC Universal Library Python API for Windows is not installed with Universal Library software – it is included in the mcculw package available for download on GitHub and PyPI.
InstaCal provides an easy way to verify your hardware and software installation and perform tests to check the functionality of installed MCC devices. Run InstaCal after software installation and after any new MCC hardware is added to your PC.
InstaCal searches your PC for any auto-detectable MCC hardware and allows you to manually add other MCC devices or detect network devices.
InstaCal creates a file (cb.cfg) that saves a list of installed MCC devices and saves any configuration changes you make to these devices using InstaCal. By default, Windows applications written using the Universal Library use this file to determine installed devices and their configuration.
The Universal Library for Windows is compatible with most Windows application development software. Before starting your Windows application development, you should run InstaCal to set up and test your hardware.
Choose the language with which you are most comfortable. Keep in mind that the .Net development languages require the .Net framework to be installed on the target system. The framework is not native to Windows platforms before Windows Vista, so you may need to consider distributing the framework if targeting those platforms.
You can install example programs for supported languages when you install the Universal Library software. If selected, the example programs are installed into the following installation subdirectories:
Example programs for the UL Python API are available for download with the mcculw package on GitHub and PyPI.