Step 2. Install and Set Up a Terminal Emulator

You can use any serial terminal emulator program on the host computer that uses a serial terminal setting of 115200, 8N1.

In the following instructions, we show how to install and set up PuTTY. PuTTY is a free, open source, terminal emulator, serial console, and network file transfer application that works with on both Windows and Linux host computers.

To use PuTTY, perform the following steps:

  1. Download and install PuTTY.

    For Windows host computer, you can download PuTTY from the following website:

    For Linux host computers, you can download and install PuTTY from the Ubuntu Software center, located on your computer.

  2. Run PuTTY.
    The configuration window appears.

    In Windows:
    In Linux:
    PuTTY_BasicSettings.png Putty_mainscreen_linux.png


  1. On the right side of the window, select the Serial radio button.

  2. Enter the name of the serial port that your host computer is using to connect to the DT7837 module.

    For Windows host computers, you can determine which serial port is used by clicking Control Panel -> Device Manager -> Ports -> Serial (COM & LPT). The USB serial port is listed. In this example, serial port COM3 is used.

    For Linux host computers, dev/ttyUSB0 is typically used unless you have multiple serial port connections.

  3. For the Speed setting, enter 115200.

  4. Under the Category pane on the left side of the window, select Serial.
    The Serial settings are displayed.

    In Windows:
    In Linux:
    PuTTY_SerialSettings.png Putty_serial_Linux.png


  1. Under Flow control, select None.
    The rest of the settings should be fine.

  2. Click Open.
    The PuTTY terminal window appears.

    In Windows:
    In Linux:
    PuTTY_TerminalWindow.png Putty_Linux_console.png

Note: If you are using Linux and have trouble opening the terminal window, ensure that you are using the correct serial port connection and that you have the correct permissions in Linux to access the serial port. For instance,  /dev/ttyUSB0 is a member of group dialout. Therefore, to add your login name to the dialout group, enter the following command, where username is your login name:  

# sudo adduser username dialout

Refer to your Linux documentation for more details.

Once the PuTTY window is open, you can now apply power to the module.