Step 3. Apply Power to the DT7837 Module

The DT7837 module works with a +5 VDC power supply. You can connect the optional EP361 +5 V power supply to the DIN connector on the DT7837 module or you can connect your own +5 VDC power supply to the 3-pin Phoenix header on the DT7837 module. This section describes how to connect the EP361 power supply to the module.

To apply power to the module, do the following:

  1. Ground the chassis of the DT7837 to earth ground by connecting a grounding strap to the grounding stud on the ARM block (bottom board) of the module.


  2. Connect the EP361 power supply to the DIN power connector on the ARM block of the DT7837 module.

  3. Plug the power supply into a wall outlet.
    Once you have applied external power to the DT7837 module, the Power LED on the module turns solid green and the boot-up sequence is captured in the PuTTY terminal window. The DT7837 device drivers are loaded during boot up.



You can now log in to the DT7837 module.