UL for Linux
User library to access and control supported MCC hardware over the Linux platform
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | DaqDeviceDescriptor |
A structure that defines a particular DAQ device, usually obtained using ulGetDaqDeviceInventory(). More... | |
struct | TransferStatus |
A structure containing information about the progress of the specified scan operation. More... | |
struct | AiQueueElement |
A structure that defines an analog input queue element. More... | |
struct | DaqInChanDescriptor |
A structure that defines an input channel and its properties. More... | |
struct | DaqOutChanDescriptor |
A structure that defines an output channel and its properties. More... | |
struct | MemDescriptor |
A structure that defines the location and access properties of the physical memory of a device. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | ERR_MSG_LEN 512 |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct DaqDeviceDescriptor | DaqDeviceDescriptor |
A structure that defines a particular DAQ device, usually obtained using ulGetDaqDeviceInventory(). More... | |
typedef long long | DaqDeviceHandle |
The DAQ device. More... | |
typedef struct TransferStatus | TransferStatus |
A structure containing information about the progress of the specified scan operation. More... | |
typedef struct AiQueueElement | AiQueueElement |
A structure that defines an analog input queue element. More... | |
typedef struct DaqInChanDescriptor | DaqInChanDescriptor |
A structure that defines an input channel and its properties. More... | |
typedef struct DaqOutChanDescriptor | DaqOutChanDescriptor |
A structure that defines an output channel and its properties. More... | |
typedef void(* | DaqEventCallback )(DaqDeviceHandle, DaqEventType, unsigned long long, void *) |
The callback function called in response to an event condition. More... | |
typedef struct MemDescriptor | MemDescriptor |
A structure that defines the location and access properties of the physical memory of a device. More... | |
Functions | |
UlError | ulGetDaqDeviceInventory (DaqDeviceInterface interfaceTypes, DaqDeviceDescriptor daqDevDescriptors[], unsigned int *numDescriptors) |
Get the list of MCC devices available to the system. More... | |
UlError | ulGetNetDaqDeviceDescriptor (const char *host, unsigned short port, const char *ifcName, DaqDeviceDescriptor *daqDevDescriptor, double timeout) |
Get the descriptor of the remote network DAQ device. More... | |
DaqDeviceHandle | ulCreateDaqDevice (DaqDeviceDescriptor daqDevDescriptor) |
Create a device object within the Universal Library for the DAQ device specified by the descriptor. More... | |
UlError | ulGetDaqDeviceDescriptor (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DaqDeviceDescriptor *daqDeviceDescriptor) |
Get descriptor information for a device. More... | |
UlError | ulConnectDaqDevice (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle) |
Establish a connection to a physical DAQ device. More... | |
UlError | ulDisconnectDaqDevice (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle) |
Disconnect from a device. More... | |
UlError | ulReleaseDaqDevice (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle) |
Remove a device from the Universal Library, and release all resources associated with that device. More... | |
UlError | ulIsDaqDeviceConnected (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int *connected) |
The connection status of a DAQ device. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqDeviceConnectionCode (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, long long code) |
Specifies connection code of a DAQ device. More... | |
UlError | ulFlashLed (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int flashCount) |
Causes the LED on a DAQ device to flash. More... | |
UlError | ulAIn (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int channel, AiInputMode inputMode, Range range, AInFlag flags, double *data) |
Returns the value read from an A/D channel. More... | |
UlError | ulAInScan (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int lowChan, int highChan, AiInputMode inputMode, Range range, int samplesPerChan, double *rate, ScanOption options, AInScanFlag flags, double data[]) |
Scans a range of A/D channels, and stores the samples in an array. More... | |
UlError | ulAInScanStatus (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, ScanStatus *status, TransferStatus *xferStatus) |
Returns the status, count, and index of an A/D scan operation. More... | |
UlError | ulAInScanStop (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle) |
Stops the analog input operation currently running. More... | |
UlError | ulAInScanWait (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, WaitType waitType, long long waitParam, double timeout) |
Returns when the scan operation completes on the specified device, or the time specified by the timeout argument elapses. More... | |
UlError | ulAInLoadQueue (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AiQueueElement queue[], unsigned int numElements) |
Loads the A/D queue of a specified device. More... | |
UlError | ulAInSetTrigger (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, TriggerType type, int trigChan, double level, double variance, unsigned int retriggerSampleCount) |
Configures the trigger parameters that will be used when ulAInScan() is called with the SO_RETRIGGER or SO_EXTTRIGGER ScanOption. More... | |
UlError | ulTIn (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int channel, TempScale scale, TInFlag flags, double *data) |
Returns a temperature value read from an A/D channel. More... | |
UlError | ulTInArray (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int lowChan, int highChan, TempScale scale, TInArrayFlag flags, double data[]) |
Scans a range of A/D temperature channels, and stores the samples in an array. More... | |
UlError | ulAOut (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int channel, Range range, AOutFlag flags, double data) |
Writes the value of a D/A output. More... | |
UlError | ulAOutArray (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int lowChan, int highChan, Range range[], AOutArrayFlag flags, double data[]) |
Writes values to a range of D/A channels. More... | |
UlError | ulAOutScan (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int lowChan, int highChan, Range range, int samplesPerChan, double *rate, ScanOption options, AOutScanFlag flags, double data[]) |
Writes values to a range of D/A channels. More... | |
UlError | ulAOutScanWait (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, WaitType waitType, long long waitParam, double timeout) |
Returns when the scan operation completes on the specified device, or the time specified by the timeout argument elapses. More... | |
UlError | ulAOutScanStatus (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, ScanStatus *status, TransferStatus *xferStatus) |
Returns the status, count, and index of a D/A scan operation. More... | |
UlError | ulAOutScanStop (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle) |
Stops the analog output operation currently running. More... | |
UlError | ulAOutSetTrigger (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, TriggerType type, int trigChan, double level, double variance, unsigned int retriggerSampleCount) |
Configures the trigger parameters that will be used when ulAOutScan() is called with the SO_RETRIGGER or SO_EXTTRIGGER ScanOption. More... | |
UlError | ulDConfigPort (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType portType, DigitalDirection direction) |
Configures a digital port as input or output. More... | |
UlError | ulDConfigBit (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType portType, int bitNum, DigitalDirection direction) |
Configures a digital bit as input or output. More... | |
UlError | ulDIn (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType portType, unsigned long long *data) |
Returns the value read from a digital port. More... | |
UlError | ulDOut (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType portType, unsigned long long data) |
Writes the specified value to a digital output port. More... | |
UlError | ulDInArray (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType lowPort, DigitalPortType highPort, unsigned long long data[]) |
Reads the specified digital ports, and Returns the data in an array. More... | |
UlError | ulDOutArray (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType lowPort, DigitalPortType highPort, unsigned long long data[]) |
Sets the values of the specified digital ports. More... | |
UlError | ulDBitIn (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType portType, int bitNum, unsigned int *bitValue) |
Returns the value of a digital bit. More... | |
UlError | ulDBitOut (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType portType, int bitNum, unsigned int bitValue) |
Writes a value to a digital bit. More... | |
UlError | ulDInScan (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType lowPort, DigitalPortType highPort, int samplesPerPort, double *rate, ScanOption options, DInScanFlag flags, unsigned long long data[]) |
Reads a range of digital ports. More... | |
UlError | ulDInScanStatus (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, ScanStatus *status, TransferStatus *xferStatus) |
The status of a digital scan operation. More... | |
UlError | ulDInScanStop (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle) |
Stops the digital input operation currently running. More... | |
UlError | ulDInScanWait (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, WaitType waitType, long long waitParam, double timeout) |
Returns when the scan operation completes on the specified device, or the time specified by the timeout argument elapses. More... | |
UlError | ulDInSetTrigger (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, TriggerType type, int trigChan, double level, double variance, unsigned int retriggerSampleCount) |
Configures the trigger parameters that will be used when ulDInScan() is called with the SO_RETRIGGER or SO_EXTTRIGGER ScanOption. More... | |
UlError | ulDOutScan (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType lowPort, DigitalPortType highPort, int samplesPerPort, double *rate, ScanOption options, DOutScanFlag flags, unsigned long long data[]) |
Writes data to a range of digital ports. More... | |
UlError | ulDOutScanStatus (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, ScanStatus *status, TransferStatus *xferStatus) |
Returns the status of the digital output operation. More... | |
UlError | ulDOutScanStop (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle) |
Stops the digital output operation currently running. More... | |
UlError | ulDOutScanWait (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, WaitType waitType, long long waitParam, double timeout) |
Returns when the scan operation completes on the specified device, or the time specified by the timeout argument elapses. More... | |
UlError | ulDOutSetTrigger (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, TriggerType type, int trigChan, double level, double variance, unsigned int retriggerSampleCount) |
Configures the trigger parameters that will be used when ulDOutScan() is called with the SO_RETRIGGER or SO_EXTTRIGGER ScanOption. More... | |
UlError | ulDClearAlarm (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DigitalPortType portType, unsigned long long mask) |
Clears the alarm state for specified bits when alarms are configured to latch. More... | |
UlError | ulCIn (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int counterNum, unsigned long long *data) |
Reads the value of a count register. More... | |
UlError | ulCRead (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int counterNum, CounterRegisterType regType, unsigned long long *data) |
Reads the value of the specified counter register. More... | |
UlError | ulCLoad (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int counterNum, CounterRegisterType registerType, unsigned long long loadValue) |
Loads a value into the specified counter register. More... | |
UlError | ulCClear (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int counterNum) |
Sets the count of the specified counter to 0. More... | |
UlError | ulCConfigScan (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int counterNum, CounterMeasurementType type, CounterMeasurementMode mode, CounterEdgeDetection edgeDetection, CounterTickSize tickSize, CounterDebounceMode debounceMode, CounterDebounceTime debounceTime, CConfigScanFlag flags) |
Configures a counter channel, for counters with programmable types. More... | |
UlError | ulCInScan (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int lowCounterNum, int highCounterNum, int samplesPerCounter, double *rate, ScanOption options, CInScanFlag flags, unsigned long long data[]) |
Reads a range of counter channels. More... | |
UlError | ulCInSetTrigger (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, TriggerType type, int trigChan, double level, double variance, unsigned int retriggerSampleCount) |
Configures the trigger parameters that will be used when ulCInScan() is called with the SO_RETRIGGER or SO_EXTTRIGGER ScanOption. More... | |
UlError | ulCInScanStatus (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, ScanStatus *status, TransferStatus *xferStatus) |
Returns the status of a counter input operation. More... | |
UlError | ulCInScanStop (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle) |
Stops the counter input operation currently running. More... | |
UlError | ulCInScanWait (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, WaitType waitType, long long waitParam, double timeout) |
Returns when the scan operation completes on the specified device, or the time specified by the timeout argument elapses. More... | |
UlError | ulTmrPulseOutStart (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int timerNum, double *frequency, double *dutyCycle, unsigned long long pulseCount, double *initialDelay, TmrIdleState idleState, PulseOutOption options) |
Starts a timer to generate digital pulses at a specified frequency and duty cycle. More... | |
UlError | ulTmrPulseOutStop (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int timerNum) |
Stops a timer output. More... | |
UlError | ulTmrPulseOutStatus (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, int timerNum, TmrStatus *status) |
The status of the timer output operation, if supported. More... | |
UlError | ulTmrSetTrigger (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, TriggerType type, int trigChan, double level, double variance, unsigned int retriggerSampleCount) |
Configures the trigger parameters that will be used when ulTmrPulseOutStart() is called with the PO_RETRIGGER or PO_EXTTRIGGER PulseOutOption, when supported. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqInScan (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DaqInChanDescriptor chanDescriptors[], int numChans, int samplesPerChan, double *rate, ScanOption options, DaqInScanFlag flags, double data[]) |
Allows scanning of multiple input subsystems, such as analog, digital, counter, and stores the samples in an array. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqInScanStatus (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, ScanStatus *status, TransferStatus *xferStatus) |
Returns the status of a synchronous input operation. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqInScanStop (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle) |
Stops the synchronous input operation currently running. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqInScanWait (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, WaitType waitType, long long waitParam, double timeout) |
Returns when the scan operation completes on the specified device, or the time specified by the timeout argument elapses. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqInSetTrigger (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, TriggerType type, DaqInChanDescriptor trigChanDescriptor, double level, double variance, unsigned int retriggerSampleCount) |
Configures the trigger parameters that will be used when ulDaqInScan() is called with the SO_RETRIGGER or SO_EXTTRIGGER ScanOption. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqOutScan (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DaqOutChanDescriptor chanDescriptors[], int numChans, int samplesPerChan, double *rate, ScanOption options, DaqOutScanFlag flags, double data[]) |
Outputs values synchronously to analog output channels and digital output ports. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqOutScanStatus (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, ScanStatus *status, TransferStatus *xferStatus) |
Returns the status of a synchronous output operation. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqOutScanStop (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle) |
Stops the synchronous output operation currently running. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqOutScanWait (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, WaitType waitType, long long waitParam, double timeout) |
Returns when the scan operation completes on the specified device, or the time specified by the timeout argument elapses. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqOutSetTrigger (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, TriggerType type, DaqInChanDescriptor trigChanDescriptor, double level, double variance, unsigned int retriggerSampleCount) |
Configures the trigger parameters that will be used when ulDaqOutScan() is called with the SO_RETRIGGER or SO_EXTTRIGGER ScanOptions. More... | |
UlError | ulEnableEvent (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DaqEventType eventTypes, unsigned long long eventParameter, DaqEventCallback eventCallbackFunction, void *userData) |
Binds one or more event conditions to a DaqEventCallback function. More... | |
UlError | ulDisableEvent (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DaqEventType eventTypes) |
Disables one or more event conditions, and disconnects their user-defined handlers. More... | |
UlError | ulMemRead (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, MemRegion memRegion, unsigned int address, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int count) |
Reads a value read from a specified region in memory; use with ulMemGetInfo() to retrieve information about the memory region on a DAQ device. More... | |
UlError | ulMemWrite (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, MemRegion memRegion, unsigned int address, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int count) |
Writes a value to a specified region in memory. More... | |
UlError | ulGetErrMsg (UlError errCode, char errMsg[ERR_MSG_LEN]) |
Returns the error message associated with an error code. More... | |
UlError | ulDevGetInfo (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DevInfoItem infoItem, unsigned int index, long long *infoValue) |
Use with DevInfoItem to retrieve information about the device subsystem to determine which subsystem types are supported for the device. More... | |
UlError | ulDevSetConfig (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DevConfigItem configItem, unsigned int index, long long configValue) |
Use with DevConfigItem to set configuration options at runtime. More... | |
UlError | ulDevGetConfig (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DevConfigItem configItem, unsigned int index, long long *configValue) |
Use with DevConfigItem to retrieve the current configuration options set for a device. More... | |
UlError | ulDevGetConfigStr (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DevConfigItemStr configItem, unsigned int index, char *configStr, unsigned int *maxConfigLen) |
Use with DevConfigItemStr to retrieve the current configuration as a null-terminated string. More... | |
UlError | ulAIGetInfo (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AiInfoItem infoItem, unsigned int index, long long *infoValue) |
Use with AiInfoItem to retrieve information about the AI subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulAIGetInfoDbl (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AiInfoItemDbl infoItem, unsigned int index, double *infoValue) |
Use with AiInfoItemDbl to retrieve information about the AI subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulAISetConfig (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AiConfigItem configItem, unsigned int index, long long configValue) |
Use with AiConfigItem to set configuration options at runtime. More... | |
UlError | ulAIGetConfig (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AiConfigItem configItem, unsigned int index, long long *configValue) |
Use with AiConfigItem to retrieve configuration options set for a device. More... | |
UlError | ulAISetConfigDbl (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AiConfigItemDbl configItem, unsigned int index, double configValue) |
Use with AiConfigItemDbl to set configuration options at runtime. More... | |
UlError | ulAIGetConfigDbl (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AiConfigItemDbl configItem, unsigned int index, double *configValue) |
Use with AiConfigItem to retrieve configuration options set for a device. More... | |
UlError | ulAIGetConfigStr (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AiConfigItemStr configItem, unsigned int index, char *configStr, unsigned int *maxConfigLen) |
Use with AiConfigItemStr to retrieve configuration options as a null-terminated string. More... | |
UlError | ulAOGetInfo (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AoInfoItem infoItem, unsigned int index, long long *infoValue) |
Use with AoInfoItem to retrieve information about the AO subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulAOGetInfoDbl (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AoInfoItemDbl infoItem, unsigned int index, double *infoValue) |
Use with AoInfoItemDbl to retrieve information about the AO subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulAOSetConfig (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AoConfigItem configItem, unsigned int index, long long configValue) |
Use with AoConfigItem to set configuration options at runtime. More... | |
UlError | ulAOGetConfig (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, AoConfigItem configItem, unsigned int index, long long *configValue) |
Use with AoConfigItem to retrieve configuration options set for a device. More... | |
UlError | ulDIOGetInfo (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DioInfoItem infoItem, unsigned int index, long long *infoValue) |
Use with DioInfoItem to retrieve information about the DIO subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulDIOGetInfoDbl (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DioInfoItemDbl infoItem, unsigned int index, double *infoValue) |
Use with DioInfoItemDbl to retrieve information about the DIO subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulDIOSetConfig (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DioConfigItem configItem, unsigned int index, long long configValue) |
Use with DioConfigItem to retrieve information about the DIO subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulDIOGetConfig (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DioConfigItem configItem, unsigned int index, long long *configValue) |
Use with DioConfigItem to retrieve the current configuration about the DIO subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulCtrGetInfo (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, CtrInfoItem infoItem, unsigned int index, long long *infoValue) |
Use with CtrInfoItem to retrieve information about the counter subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulCtrGetInfoDbl (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, CtrInfoItemDbl infoItem, unsigned int index, double *infoValue) |
Use with CtrInfoItemDbl to retrieve information about the counter subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulCtrGetConfig (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, CtrConfigItem configItem, unsigned int index, long long *configValue) |
Use with CtrConfigItem to retrieve configuration options set for a device. More... | |
UlError | ulCtrSetConfig (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, CtrConfigItem configItem, unsigned int index, long long configValue) |
Use with CtrConfigItem to set configuration options at runtime. More... | |
UlError | ulTmrGetInfo (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, TmrInfoItem infoItem, unsigned int index, long long *infoValue) |
Use with TmrInfoItem to retrieve information about the timer subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulTmrGetInfoDbl (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, TmrInfoItemDbl infoItem, unsigned int index, double *infoValue) |
Use with TmrInfoItemDbl to retrieve information about the timer subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqIGetInfo (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DaqIInfoItem infoItem, unsigned int index, long long *infoValue) |
Use with DaqIInfoItem to retrieve information about the synchronous input subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqIGetInfoDbl (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DaqIInfoItemDbl infoItem, unsigned int index, double *infoValue) |
Use with DaqIInfoItemDbl to retrieve information about the synchronous input subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqOGetInfo (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DaqOInfoItem infoItem, unsigned int index, long long *infoValue) |
Use with DaqOInfoItem to retrieve information about the synchronous output subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulDaqOGetInfoDbl (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, DaqOInfoItemDbl infoItem, unsigned int index, double *infoValue) |
Use with DaqOInfoItemDbl to retrieve information about the synchronous output subsystem. More... | |
UlError | ulMemGetInfo (DaqDeviceHandle daqDeviceHandle, MemRegion memRegion, MemDescriptor *memDescriptor) |
Use with MemDescriptor to retrieve information about the memory region on a DAQ device. More... | |
#define ERR_MSG_LEN 512 |
typedef struct AiQueueElement AiQueueElement |
A structure that defines an analog input queue element.
typedef struct DaqDeviceDescriptor DaqDeviceDescriptor |
A structure that defines a particular DAQ device, usually obtained using ulGetDaqDeviceInventory().
typedef long long DaqDeviceHandle |
The DAQ device.
typedef void(* DaqEventCallback)(DaqDeviceHandle, DaqEventType, unsigned long long, void *) |
The callback function called in response to an event condition.
typedef struct DaqInChanDescriptor DaqInChanDescriptor |
A structure that defines an input channel and its properties.
Used with ulDaqInScan()
typedef struct DaqOutChanDescriptor DaqOutChanDescriptor |
A structure that defines an output channel and its properties.
Used with ulDaqOutScan().
typedef struct MemDescriptor MemDescriptor |
A structure that defines the location and access properties of the physical memory of a device.
typedef struct TransferStatus TransferStatus |
A structure containing information about the progress of the specified scan operation.
enum AiCalTableType |
Device queue limitations.
Bitmask indicating all queue limitations. Returned to the infoValue
argument by ulAIGetInfo() using AiInfoItem AI_INFO_QUEUE_LIMITS.
See also AI_INFO_QUEUE_TYPES and AI_INFO_MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH_BY_MODE to determine queue capabilities.
enum AiChanType |
Analog input channel types.
Bitmask indicating all supported channel types. Returned to the infoValue
argument by ulAIGetInfo() using AiInfoItem AI_INFO_CHAN_TYPES.
Enumerator | |
Voltage. |
Thermocouple. |
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) |
Thermistor. |
Semiconductor. |
Disabled. |
enum AiConfigItem |
Use with ulAISetConfig() and ulAIGetConfig() to configure the AI subsystem.
Enumerator | |
The channel type of the specified channel. Set with AiChanType. |
The thermocouple type of the specified channel. Set with TcType. |
The analog input scan temperature unit. Set with TempUnit. |
The IEPE current excitation mode for the specified channel. Set with IepeMode. |
The coupling mode for the specified device. Set with CouplingMode. |
The connection type of the sensor connected to the specified channel. |
The open thermocouple detection mode for the specified channel. Set with OtdMode. |
The open thermocouple detection mode. Set with OtdMode. |
The calibration table type. Set with AiCalTableType. |
The rejection frequency type. Set with AiRejectFreqType. |
enum AiConfigItemDbl |
Use with ulAISetConfigDbl() and ulAIGetConfigDbl() to configure the AI subsystem.
enum AiConfigItemStr |
Use with ulAIGetConfigStr() as a configItem
argument value to get the current analog input configuration of the current device.
enum AiInfoItem |
Use with ulAIGetInfo() to obtain information about the analog input subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
Enumerator | |
Returns the A/D resolution in number of bits to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the total number of A/D channels to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the number of A/D channels for the specified channel mode to the Set index to one of the AiInputMode enum values. |
Returns the number of A/D channels for the specified channel type to the Set index to one of the AiChanType enum values. |
Returns a bitmask of supported AiChanType values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of supported ScanOption values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a zero or non-zero value to the If non-zero, paced operations are supported. Index is ignored. |
Returns the number of differential ranges supported to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the number of single-ended ranges supported to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a Range value to the Index should be a number between zero and (the number of differential ranges supported) – 1. See AI_INFO_NUM_DIFF_RANGES. |
Returns a Range value to the Index should be a number between zero and (the number of single-ended ranges supported) – 1. See AI_INFO_NUM_SE_RANGES. |
Returns a bitmask of supported TriggerType values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the maximum length of the queue for the specified channel mode to the Set index to one of the AiInputMode enum values. |
Returns a bitmask of supported AiQueueType values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of AiChanQueueLimitation values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the FIFO size in bytes to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a zero or non-zero value to the If non-zero, IEPE mode is supported. Index is ignored. |
enum AiInfoItemDbl |
Use with ulAIGetInfoDbl() to obtain information about the analog input subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
Enumerator | |
Returns the minimum scan rate in samples per second to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the maximum scan rate in samples per second to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the maximum throughput in samples per second to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the maximum scan rate in samples per second when using the SO_BURSTIO ScanOption to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the maximum throughput in samples per second when using the SO_BURSTIO ScanOption to the Index is ignored. |
enum AiInputMode |
enum AInFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulAIn() to set the properties of data returned.
enum AInScanFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for the ulAInScan() function to set properties of data returned.
enum AiQueueType |
Bitmask indicating supported queue types.
Returned to the infoValue
argument by ulAIGetInfo() using AiInfoItem AI_INFO_QUEUE_TYPES.
Enumerator | |
The AI subsystem supports a channel queue. |
The AI subsystem supports a gain queue. |
The AI subsystem supports a mode queue. |
enum AiRejectFreqType |
enum AoConfigItem |
Use with ulAOSetConfig() and ulAOGetConfig() to configure the AO subsystem.
Enumerator | |
The sync mode. Set with AOutSyncMode. |
The sense mode for the specified channel. Set with AOutSenseMode. |
enum AoInfoItem |
Use with ulAOGetInfo() to obtain information about the analog output subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
Enumerator | |
Returns the D/A resolution in number of bits to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the total number of D/A channels to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of supported ScanOption values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a zero or non-zero value to the If non-zero, paced operations are supported. Index is ignored. |
Returns the number of analog output ranges supported to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a Range value to the Index should be a number between zero and (the number of ranges supported) – 1. See AO_INFO_NUM_RANGES. |
Returns a bitmask of supported TriggerType values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the FIFO size in bytes to the Index is ignored. |
enum AoInfoItemDbl |
Use with ulAOGetInfoDbl() to obtain information about the analog output subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
enum AOutArrayFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulAOutArray() to set the properties of data supplied to the function.
enum AOutFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulAOut() to set the properties of data supplied to the function.
enum AOutScanFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulAOutScan() to set the properties of data supplied to the function.
enum AOutSenseMode |
Use with AoConfigItem to set configuration options at runtime.
Enumerator | |
Sense mode is disabled. |
Sense mode is enable. |
enum AOutSyncMode |
Use with AoConfigItem to set configuration options at runtime.
Enumerator | |
Receive the D/A Load signal from an external source. |
Output the internal D/A Load signal. |
enum CConfigScanFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulCConfigScan().
Reserved for future use.
Enumerator | |
Placeholder value. Standard functionality. |
enum CInScanFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulCInScan() to set counter properties.
enum CounterDebounceMode |
Use as the value for the debounceTime
argument for ulCConfigScan() to set the glitch rejection properties of a counter.
Enumerator | |
Disables the debounce feature. |
The counter is incremented only after the counter input is stable for a period of a length defined by CounterDebounceTime. |
The counter is incremented on the first edge at the counter input, then waits for a stable period of a length defined by CounterDebounceTime before counting the next edge. |
enum CounterDebounceTime |
Use as the value for the debounceTime
argument for ulCConfigScan() when CounterDebounceMode is not CDM_NONE.
Enumerator | |
Disables debounce. Valid only when |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 500ns. |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 1500 ns. |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 3500 ns. |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 7500 ns. |
CDT_DEBOUNCE_15500ns |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 15500 ns. |
CDT_DEBOUNCE_31500ns |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 31500 ns. |
CDT_DEBOUNCE_63500ns |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 63500 ns. |
CDT_DEBOUNCE_127500ns |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 127500 ns. |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 100 us. |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 300 us. |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 700 us. |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 1500 us. |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 3100 us. |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 6300 us. |
CDT_DEBOUNCE_12700us |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 12700 us. |
CDT_DEBOUNCE_25500us |
Sets the time period that the counter input must be stable when using CDM_TRIGGER_AFTER_STABLE or CDM_TRIGGER_BEFORE_STABLE CounterDebounceModes to 25500 us. |
enum CounterEdgeDetection |
Use as the value for the edgeDetection
argument for ulCConfigScan().
Enumerator | |
Rising edge. |
Falling edge. |
Use as the value for the mode
argument for ulCConfigScan().
This value should be set consistent with the type
argument value.
Enumerator | |
Configures the counter for default counting modes for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Configures the counter to clear after every read for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Configures the counter to count down for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Configures the counter to increment when the gate pin is high, and decrement when the gate pin is low for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Configures the counter to clear when the gate input is high for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Configures the counter to start counting when the gate input goes active for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. By default, active is on the rising edge. The gate is re-armed when the counter is loaded and when ulCConfigScan() is called. |
Configures the counter output to go high when the counter reaches the value of output register 0 for the CMT_COUNT measurement type, and go low when the counter reaches the value of output register 1. Use ulCLoad() to set or read the value of the output registers. |
Configures the initial state of the counter output pin high for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Configures the counter to restart when a clear or load operation is performed, or the count direction changes for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
When counting up, configures the counter to roll over to the min limit when the max limit is reached for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. When counting down, configures the counter to roll over to max limit when the min limit is reached. When counting up with CMM_NO_RECYCLE enabled, the counter freezes whenever the count reaches the value that was loaded into the max limit register. When counting down with CMM_NO_RECYCLE enabled, the counter freezes whenever the count reaches the value that was loaded into the min limit register. Counting resumes if the counter is reset or the direction changes. |
Enables the counter when the mapped channel or gate pin is high for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Inverts the polarity of the gate input for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Latches the counter measurement each time 1 complete period is observed for the CMT_PERIOD measurement type. |
Latches the counter measurement each time 10 complete periods are observed for the CMT_PERIOD measurement type. |
Latches the counter measurement each time 100 complete periods are observed for the CMT_PERIOD measurement type. |
Latches the counter measurement each time 1000 complete periods are observed for the CMT_PERIOD measurement type. |
Enables the counter when the mapped channel or gate pin is high for the CMT_PERIOD measurement type. |
Inverts the polarity of the gate input for the CMT_PERIOD measurement type. |
Configures the counter for default pulse width modes for the CMT_PULSE_WIDTH measurement type. |
Enables the counter when the mapped channel or gate pin is high for the CMT_PULSE_WIDTH measurement type. |
Inverts the polarity of the gate input for the CMT_PULSE_WIDTH measurement type. |
Configures the counter for default timing modes for the CMT_TIMING measurement type. |
Inverts the polarity of the gate input for the CMT_TIMING measurement type. |
Sets the encoder measurement mode to X1 for the CMT_ENCODER measurement type. |
Sets the encoder measurement mode to X2 for the CMT_ENCODER measurement type. |
Sets the encoder measurement mode to X4 for the CMT_ENCODER measurement type. |
Configures the encoder Z mapped signal to latch the counter outputs for the CMT_ENCODER measurement type. |
Clears the counter when the index (Z input) goes active for the CMT_ENCODER measurement type. |
Disables the counter when a count overflow or underflow occurs for the CMT_ENCODER measurement type; re-enables when a clear or load operation is performed on the counter. |
Enables upper and lower limits for the CMT_ENCODER measurement type. |
Sets the encoder Z signal as the active edge for the CMT_ENCODER measurement type. |
Configures the counter to be latched by the signal on the index pin for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Configures the counter to increment when the phase B pin is high, and decrement when the phase B pin is low for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Configures the counter to decrement by the signal on the mapped channel for the CMT_COUNT measurement type. |
Use as the value for the type
argument for ulCConfigScan().
Use ulCtrGetInfo() with the CTR_INFO_MEASUREMENT_TYPES infoItem
to check compatibility.
Enumerator | |
Counter measurement. The counter increments on the active edge of the input. |
Period measurement. Measures the number of ticks between active edges of the input, with the granularity of measurement set by the |
Pulsewidth measurement. Measures the number of ticks between the active edge of the counter input and the following edge of the counter input, with the granularity of measurement set by the |
Timing measurement. Measures the number of ticks between the active edge of the counter input and the active edge of the gate input, with granularity of measurement set by the |
Encoder measurement. Configures the counter as an encoder, if supported. |
enum CounterRegisterType |
Used for the ulCLoad() registerType
argument, and as the value returned by ulCtrGetInfo() for the CTR_INFO_REGISTER_TYPES infoItem.
enum CounterTickSize |
Use as the value for the tickSize
argument for ulCConfigScan() when CounterDebounceMode is CMT_PERIOD, CMT_PULSE_WIDTH, or CMT_TIMING.
Refer to the device hardware manual to determine which sizes are compatible with your device.
enum CouplingMode |
enum CtrConfigItem |
Use with ulCtrSetConfig() and ulCtrGetConfig() to configure the Ctr subsystem.
Enumerator | |
Returns or writes a bitmask indicating the configuration of one or more counters. |
enum CtrInfoItem |
Use with ulCtrGetInfo() to obtain information about the counter subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
Enumerator | |
Returns the total number of counters to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of supported CounterMeasurementType values of the counter specified by the |
Returns a bitmask of supported CounterMeasurementMode values compatible with the CounterMeasurementType specified by the |
Returns a bitmask of supported CounterRegisterType values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the resolution to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a zero or non-zero value to the If non-zero, paced operations are supported. Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of supported ScanOption values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of supported TriggerType values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the FIFO size in bytes to the Index is ignored. |
enum CtrInfoItemDbl |
Use with ulCtrGetInfoDbl() to obtain information about the counter subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
enum DaqDeviceInterface |
A bitmask defining the physical connection interface used to communicate with a DAQ device.
Used with ulGetDaqDeviceInventory() as an interfaceTypes
argument value.
Enumerator | |
USB interface. |
Bluetooth interface. |
Ethernet interface. |
Any interface. |
enum DaqEventType |
A bitmask defining the types of conditions that trigger an event.
Used with ulDevGetInfo() as return values for DEV_INFO_DAQ_EVENT_TYPES, and as the eventType
argument value for ulEnableEvent() and ulDisableEvent().
Enumerator | |
No event type. Possible return value for ulDevGetInfo(). Not a valid value for ulEnableEvent() and ulDisableEvent(). |
Defines an event trigger condition that occurs when a specified number of samples are available. |
Defines an event trigger condition that occurs when an input scan error occurs. |
Defines an event trigger condition that occurs upon completion of an input scan operation such as ulAInScan(). |
Defines an event trigger condition that occurs when an output scan error occurs. |
Defines an event trigger condition that occurs upon completion of an output scan operation such as ulAOutScan(). |
enum DaqIInfoItem |
Use with ulDaqIGetInfo() to obtain information about the DAQ input subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
Enumerator | |
Returns a bitmask of supported DaqInChanType values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of supported ScanOption values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of supported TriggerType values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the FIFO size in bytes to the Index is ignored. |
enum DaqIInfoItemDbl |
Use with ulDaqIGetInfoDbl() to obtain information about the DAQ input subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
enum DaqInChanType |
A bitmask used with synchronous input scanning operations as a field in the DaqInChanDescriptor struct, and as a value returned in the infoValue
argument for ulDaqIGetInfo() used with DAQI_INFO_CHAN_TYPES.
enum DaqInScanFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulDaqInScan() to set the properties of data returned.
enum DaqOInfoItem |
Use with ulDaqOGetInfo() to obtain information about the DAQ output subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
Enumerator | |
Returns a bitmask of supported DaqOutChanType values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of supported ScanOption values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of supported TriggerType values to the Index is ignored. |
Returns the FIFO size in bytes to the Index is ignored. |
enum DaqOInfoItemDbl |
Use with ulDaqOGetInfoDbl() to obtain information about the DAQ output subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
enum DaqOutChanType |
A bitmask used with synchronous output scanning operations as a field in the DaqOutChanDescriptor struct, and as a value returned in the infoValue
argument for ulDaqOGetInfo() used with DAQO_INFO_CHAN_TYPES.
Enumerator | |
Analog output. |
Digital output. |
enum DaqOutScanFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulDaqOutScan() to set the properties of data sent.
enum DevConfigItem |
Use with ulDevGetConfig() as a configItem
argument value to get the current configuration of the specified device.
Enumerator | |
Returns a non-zero value to |
The connection code stored in EEPROM. In order to modify the connection code, first the memory must be unlocked with DEV_CFG_MEM_UNLOCK_CODE. Note: when the connection code is modified, the DAQ device must be reset with DEV_CFG_RESET for the change to take effect. |
Memory unlock code. The unlock code is 0xAA55 |
Resets the DAQ device, this causes the DAQ device to disconnect from the host, ulConnectDaqDevice() must be invoked to re-establish the connection. |
enum DevConfigItemStr |
Use with ulDevGetConfigStr() as a configItem
argument value to get the current configuration of the specified the specified device.
Enumerator | |
Returns the version of the device system defined by the DevVersionType value of the |
Returns the IP address of the Ethernet DAQ device. |
Returns the name of the network interface which is used to connect to the Ethernet DAQ device. |
enum DevInfoItem |
Use with ulDevGetInfo() as an infoItem
argument value to obtain information for the specified device.
Enumerator | |
Returns a non-zero value to Index is ignored. |
Returns a non-zero value to Index is ignored. |
Returns a non-zero value to Index is ignored. |
Returns a non-zero value to Index is ignored. |
Returns a non-zero value to Index is ignored. |
Returns a non-zero value to Index is ignored. |
Returns a non-zero value to Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of DaqEventType values to Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of MemRegion values to |
enum DevVersionType |
Used with ulDevGetConfigStr() as an index
argument value with the infoItem
argument set to DEV_CFG_VER_STR for the specified device.
enum DigitalDirection |
Used with ulDConfigPort() and ulDConfigBit() as the direction
argument value.
Enumerator | |
Input. |
Output. |
enum DigitalPortIoType |
Used with ulDIOGetInfo() as the infoValue
argument value when used with DIO_INFO_PORT_IO_TYPE.
enum DigitalPortType |
Used with all digital I/O functions and with ulDIOGetInfo() as the infoValue
argument value when used with DIO_INFO_PORT_IO_TYPE.
enum DInScanFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulDInScan() to set the properties of data returned.
Enumerator | |
Standard scan properties. Placeholder for future values |
enum DioConfigItem |
Use with ulDIOGetConfig() and/or ulDIOSetConfig() as a configItem
argument value to get the current configuration of the specified digital port on the specified device.
enum DioInfoItem |
Use with ulDIOGetInfo() to obtain information about the DIO subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
Enumerator | |
Returns the total number of digital ports to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a DigitalPortType value to the Index should be less than the value obtained using DIO_INFO_NUM_PORTS. |
Returns a DigitalPortIoType value to the Index should be less than the value obtained using DIO_INFO_NUM_PORTS. |
Returns a value to the The port is specified by the |
Returns a non-zero value to Otherwise, returns zero. Index is ignored. |
Returns a bitmask of supported ScanOption values to the The direction is specified by setting the |
Returns a bitmask of supported TriggerType values to the The direction is specified by setting the |
Returns the FIFO size in bytes to the The direction is specified by setting the |
enum DioInfoItemDbl |
Use with ulDIOGetInfoDbl() as an infoItem
argument to obtain information about the DIO subsystem for the specified device.
Enumerator | |
Returns the minimum scan rate to the The direction is specified by setting the |
Returns the maximum scan rate to the The direction is specified by setting the |
Returns the maximum throughput to the The direction is specified by setting the |
enum DOutScanFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulDOutScan() to set properties of data sent.
Enumerator | |
Standard scan properties. Placeholder for future values. |
enum IepeMode |
enum MemAccessType |
A bitmask used with ulMemGetInfo() as one of the field types returned in the MemDescriptor struct.
Indicates access permissions for the location specified by MemRegion for the specified device.
Enumerator | |
Indicates read access for the location specified by the |
Indicates write access for the location specified by the |
enum MemRegion |
Used with ulMemGetInfo() as the memRegion
argument value to specify the memory location on the specified device.
Enumerator | |
Specifies the calibration data region information returned to the MemDescriptor struct. |
Specifies the user data region information returned to the MemDescriptor struct. |
Specifies the data settings region information returned to the MemDescriptor struct. |
Specifies the first reserved region information returned to the MemDescriptor struct. |
enum OtdMode |
enum PulseOutOption |
Used with ulTmrPulseOutStart() as the options
argument value to set advanced options for the specified device.
Enumerator | |
No PulseOut options are applied. |
The output operation is held off until the specified trigger condition is met. Trigger conditions may be modified using ulTmrSetTrigger(). |
The output operation is held off until the specified trigger condition is met. The trigger is re-armed when the output operation completes. Intended to be used with a non-zero value set for the |
enum Range |
Used with many analog input and output functions, as well as a return value for the infoValue
argument to ulAIGetInfo() when used with AI_INFO_DIFF_RANGE or AI_INFO_SE_RANGE,
and the infoValue
argument to ulAOGetInfo() when used with AO_INFO_RANGE.
enum ScanOption |
Used with many analog input and output functions, as well as a return value for the infoValue
argument to many of the subsystem GetInfo functions when used with the infoItem
argument values set to one of the subsystem INFO_SCAN_OPTIONS values.
Enumerator | |
Transfers A/D data based on the board type and sampling speed. |
Transfers one packet of data at a time. |
Transfers A/D data in blocks. |
Transfers A/D data from the FIFO after the scan completes. Allows maximum rates for finite scans up to the full capacity of the FIFO. Not recommended for slow acquisition rates. |
Scans data in an endless loop. The only way to stop the operation is with ulAInScanStop(). |
Data conversions are controlled by an external clock signal. |
Sampling begins when a trigger condition is met. |
Re-arms the trigger after a trigger event is performed. |
Enables burst mode sampling, minimizing the channel skew. |
Enables or disables the internal pacer output on a DAQ device. |
Changes the internal clock's timebase to an external timebase source. This can allow synchronization of multiple DAQ devices. |
Enables or disables the internal timebase output on a DAQ device. |
enum ScanStatus |
enum SensorConnectionType |
Sensor connection types.
enum TcType |
enum TempScale |
enum TempUnit |
enum TimerType |
enum TInArrayFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulTInArray() to set the properties of data returned; reserved for future use.
Enumerator | |
Placeholder value. Standard functionality. |
Wait for new data before returning. |
enum TInFlag |
Use as the flags
argument value for ulTIn() to set the properties of data returned; reserved for future use.
Enumerator | |
Placeholder value. Standard functionality. |
Wait for new data before returning. |
enum TmrIdleState |
enum TmrInfoItem |
Use with ulTmrGetInfo() to obtain information about the timer subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
Enumerator | |
Returns the total number of timers to the Index is ignored. |
Returns a TimerType value to the Index should be less than the value obtained using TMR_INFO_NUM_TMRS. |
enum TmrInfoItemDbl |
Use with ulTmrGetInfoDbl() to obtain information about the timer subsystem for the specified device as an infoItem
argument value.
enum TmrStatus |
Used with ulTmrPulseOutStatus() as the status
argument value returned (if supported) for the specified device.
Enumerator | |
The timer is currently idle. |
The timer is currently running. |
enum TriggerType |
Used as an individual value with the subsystem SetTrigger functions as the type
argument value, or as a bitmask value with the subsystem GetInfo functions as the infoValue
argument value.
The trigger input is specified by the trigChan
argument, or the channel
field of the DaqInChanDescriptor struct, when using the subsystem SetTrigger functions.
enum UlError |
UL error codes.
enum WaitType |